좋은책추천해드립니다 Becoming a Parent
Chinjung Mom
2023-06-11 05:51
Nobody Told Me About That: The First six Weeks edited by Ginger BreedLove & 14 authors (2018) (new)
The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions, and Restoring Your Vitality by Kimberly Ann Johnson (2017) (new)
The First Forty Days by Amely Greeven, Heng Ou, and Marisa Belger (2016) new)
Mothering the New Mother: Women’s Feelings and Needs after Childbirth: A Support and Resource Guide by Placksin (2000)
And Baby Makes Three: The Six Step Plan for Preserving Marital Intimacy and Rekindling Romance after Baby Arrives by Gottman (2017)
audio available
Pride and Joy: A Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Parents by Sarah and Rachel Hagger-Holt (2017) (new)
Do Fathers Matter? by Paul Raeburn (2015) (new)
Black Fatherhood: Trials and Tribulations by Khalid Akil White, Thurman V. White, Jr., Dr. Larry Wayne Ellis (2016) (new)
Crib Sheet by Emily Oster (2019) (new)
The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions, and Restoring Your Vitality by Kimberly Ann Johnson (2017) (new)
The First Forty Days by Amely Greeven, Heng Ou, and Marisa Belger (2016) new)
Mothering the New Mother: Women’s Feelings and Needs after Childbirth: A Support and Resource Guide by Placksin (2000)
And Baby Makes Three: The Six Step Plan for Preserving Marital Intimacy and Rekindling Romance after Baby Arrives by Gottman (2017)
audio available
Pride and Joy: A Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Parents by Sarah and Rachel Hagger-Holt (2017) (new)
Do Fathers Matter? by Paul Raeburn (2015) (new)
Black Fatherhood: Trials and Tribulations by Khalid Akil White, Thurman V. White, Jr., Dr. Larry Wayne Ellis (2016) (new)
Crib Sheet by Emily Oster (2019) (new)
Total 149
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구글 리뷰를 친정맘홈페이지에 연동작업중입니다
Chinjung Mom
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Views 945
Chinjung Mom | 2024.03.16 | 0 | 945 |
148 |
미국친정맘 예약은 원하시는 주수 만큼 하실수 있습니다.
Chinjung Mom
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Views 361
Chinjung Mom | 2024.05.06 | 0 | 361 |
147 |
구글리뷰 연동작업이 마무리 되어 친정맘 홈페이지 하단에서 구글 리뷰를 보실수 있습니다
Chinjung Mom
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Views 600
Chinjung Mom | 2024.05.06 | 0 | 600 |
146 |
미국친정맘 산후관리사는 영주권자 ,시민권자로 한국인만 가능합니다.
Chinjung Mom
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Views 617
Chinjung Mom | 2024.05.06 | 0 | 617 |
145 |
미국친정맘 모유수유 클래스 : 설소대 단축증 ankyloglossia 이 모유수유에 미치는 영향과 언어치료사 관점에서 바라본 설소대 수술의 필요성
Chinjung Mom
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Views 463
Chinjung Mom | 2024.03.16 | 0 | 463 |
144 |
미국친정맘 모유수유 클래스 : 수유자세 8가지
Chinjung Mom
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Views 774
Chinjung Mom | 2024.03.16 | 0 | 774 |
143 |
미국친정맘 모유수유 클래스 : Nipple Bleb
Chinjung Mom
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Views 464
Chinjung Mom | 2024.03.16 | 0 | 464 |
142 |
미국친정맘 모유수유 클래스: 아기의 실제 위장용역
Chinjung Mom
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Views 527
Chinjung Mom | 2024.03.16 | 0 | 527 |
141 |
2024년 미국친정맘 14년째 운영중/ 미국전지역 산후관리 서비스진행중 / K DOULA / Chin Jung Mom /
Chinjung Mom
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Views 872
Chinjung Mom | 2024.02.11 | 0 | 872 |
140 |
친정맘 홈페이지가 새롭게 오픈되어 운영중에 있습니다.
Chinjung Mom
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Views 515
Chinjung Mom | 2024.02.11 | 0 | 515 |
139 |
관리사님 호칭과 집에 오실 관리사님을 위해 특별히 준비해야 하는 부분이 있는지요?
Chinjung Mom
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Views 1007
Chinjung Mom | 2024.02.11 | 0 | 1007 |